Q: My boyfriend/girlfriend wants to have sex but I don’t feel ready, how do I say no?
A: Deciding when it’s the right time to have sex is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. Don’t feel pressured into having sex when you are not ready. When one person in the relationship wants to have sex and the other person doesn't, it can place stress on a relationship — but you need to do what is right for you and not anyone else. Anyone who pressures you into having sex isn’t looking out for your best interests.
Below are some ways to let your significant other know you are not ready for sex:
- "I like you a lot, but I'm just not ready to have sex."
- "You're a great person, but sex isn't how I prove I like someone."
- "I'd like to wait until I'm older before I make the decision to have sex."
Q: What is consent and why is it important? If someone is drunk or high and they consent to sex, does that make it wrong?
A: Consent occurs when one person voluntarily agrees to the proposal or desires of another. Essentially, when permission is given.
Before anything sexual happens, including kissing, hugging, or touching of any kind, both people need to say “YES”, or, in other words, consent. To make sure you have consent, you have to ask. If someone says no, is unsure, or does not say yes, the answer should always be taken as no. Remember this rule as simple as it sounds: “No” always means “no.”
If you ever feel like things are going too far and you’re uncomfortable, tell the person you’re with to stop. A person always has the right to change their mind. Be respectful of others and have open communication. Just because someone agreed to something at one point, doesn’t mean they’re still going to in the heat of the moment. Listen to one another and respect each other’s wishes.
No one can give consent if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Inhibitions are lowered and the thought process is altered. If you purposely get someone drunk or high, or take advantage of him or her while they are, pressuring them into having sex can be considered sexual assault.
Watch this helpful video to help explain consent to your child.